Friday, 8 September 2017

Blended learning task No.1

Francesca Woodman.

The reason for looking at the work of Francesca Woodman is that we want you to be influenced by some aspects of her work. The idea of researching other photographers is that by reading about them and looking at what they do, you'll hopefully pick up ideas and insights. One of the most important things to seek out and discover is what the work is about and or why the photographer makes the work (Pictures). You will need to read the articles.

As this is your first attempt at doing this independently, you will need to follow the instructions below. Remember what you did in your first lesson and how the prompts were used to generate your written content.

This is what you need to do.

(1). Open the links below and have a look at several of them in order to get a sense of what it is that Francesca Woodman does photographically. From these websites collect about 9 images and put them into a folder on your computer name it Francesca Woodman. (See below)...

(2). When in college next or if you have access to a printer select 4 of the images at a time from the folder and then 'Right click' and a drop-down box will appear. (See below)...

Print the images off a page at a time with 4 images. If you do this you're images will be the perfect size for use in your Display folder. If you print more than 4 images, the images will be put on the other side of the paper making them unusable.

Finally of the images you've looked at and saved and then choose one that you feel that you can write about - that looks the most interesting to you. This will be your main image and you need to print this A5 size. Again, using windows - select the image and then the print command and choose the 18x13cm (1/2 page) print option.

Cut the images up neatly and stick about 8 of the small images on one page and the bigger A5 image on the opposite page in the centre.

What the hell should I write?

On the page with the small images (See below) I would suggest that say what you think about the main image before reading about the photographer and the work. We call this your initial response to the images. When you write up your initial response, try not to describe it in terms that the everyday person would. Attempt to be more analytical about it - write about it in terms of being a photographer looking at it and making sense of it as we did in the first lesson where we examined Derek Ridgers image of Kylie Minogue. (Use the prompts).

Other searches you should try and when looking for the small images, the photographers name followed by the words camera, equipment, in the studio or on location. As these will often bring up images of the photographer using their equipment. Similarly Youtube searches or video searches in the Google search engine will sometimes come up with videos showing the photographer working and you'll be able to see the cameras being used along with the lighting.

The Prompts used for artist research and the analysis of images

Light & Mood
Format & composition
Colour or Black and white
Style and period
Equipment and techniques
Body language and facial expression

For help and explanations of the prompts click here

Here are the links for this week -

Equipment  Diazotype


Blended learning task No.3

Richard Avedon - In the American West series.

Quick message... I've been marking your work and I'm very impressed with both classes, some of the work I've seen is of the standard I usually see at the end of the 2nd year! well done and keep going, look to make improvements all the time.

Dave T.

This weeks links...

To find images of how Avedon worked and the equipment he used type...

"Avedon at work in the American west" in Google images.


What I'm looking for is that with this one you get the images aspect of your work 100% correct which means...

  • 7-8 images printed using MS word so that the images fill the page and the page looks busy and visually.
  • Amongst the 7-8 images - one of Avedon with his camera on location.
  • The main image to analyse printed A5
  • Your bibliography with all three photographers you've studied so far

Blended learning task No.4

Blended learning task No.4
Rineke Dijkstra

Issued Monday 2nd October.

Due in GPA 9th October, GPB 10th October in Dave T's lesson.

Look at Mothers, Bullfighters and beach portraits.

What the hell do I write?   

Find the prompts to generate content here

Blended learning task No.5

Blended learning task 5 - Research for Unit 4

Remember on the image page leave a space for your initial reaction and write your initial thoughts around the use of the background and any ideas you have about the MTP's.

Ed Drew 

This  weeks photographer who you need to research into is Ed Drew. There are two key elements you need to look into and research.

(1). The Materials, techniques and processes. To get you started with this you need to watch the video here all of his MTP's are mentioned - there's a sequence in the video where the camera is identified clearly - follow that up and search for that camera on Youtube. Identify the size of the film plates that are used. Use Photographs of the equipment or screen grabs from the video.

(2) The background (Person + Background). Most of the images include an obvious symbol - The gun. Some don't. You can use both types in your analysis providing you acknowledge the difference and discuss how the gun helps the narrative. But the main point is the consistent back-ground - why has he opted for this background - how does it help with the narrative?

Also make sure you reference his own references - what inspired him - what are these modern images influenced by? Use images to show the connection/similarity.

Heres the link to the prompts  when you use them focus on the ones that drive you to write about the MTP's, background, body language and whether these images are subjective or objective?

Ed Drew working

Blended learning task No.6

This weeks Blended learning task is to research the artist Irving Penn and the series of images known as "The Corner Portraits". 

*Irving Penn will be in your book - "Photography the Whole Story" so make sure you reference the book when compiling your bibliography.

The work needs to be completed and submitted for assessment...

Group A Monday 13th
Group B Tuesday 14th

This research supports your current work where you're working with people's personalities and the association with the background in the image.

The emphasis of your work needs to be identifying what Materials, Techniques and processes are used and what role the background in the image plays in the narrative.

Use the links below to conduct your research...

Link 1             Link 2

Remember to offer an initial reaction to the images prior to reading about them - have the initial reaction on the same page as the images and use your favourite of the images for the main page.

Could you use this in some way to produce your images? What might it look like in colour? What about two colours?

Blended learning task No.7

This weeks research task and images analysis links with the current practical work that you're producing - images of people with their possessions.

The images that you're looking at this week are very current.

See the links         No.1  here   No.2 here

The images come from the News agency Reuters and have been shot by Yannis Behrakis, Daniel Becerril, Stefano Rellandini,  Eric Gaillard and others.

These images are probably unlike the images you've been shooting in that they're presented as diptychs (Two images presented as one).

Read the articles and put together a page of the images as examples. Look into the Photographer Yannis Behrakis - what's his interest in the theme - why does he empathise with the subjects and their stories. Look too at what he says about how he's effected by what he photographs.

Choose one of the images to discuss in more depth and deconstruct. Consider how the images might be designed/posed in alternative ways to achieve the same effect. Look too at the background in the images and analyse whether these images work as stand-along images or do they only work as a collective.

How might the images be constructed and designed so that the story might be told in a more coherent manner without the use of text? Also discuss the role of the text - without the use of text is the story still clearly read and understood.

Remember to use the prompts list here to generate written content.

Blended learning task No.8

Week commencing 27th Nov

This weeks Photographer is Bill Owen, specifically the series 'Suburbia' from 1973

This approach to photography is documentary photography. These images form a series shot over a period of years that are compiled as a book, so the images work as group conveying the narrative. Many of the images though, work as individual images combining the background, the subject, symbols and involvement - Person + background + symbol + involvement = picture. Look through the images and find one that you feel uses this formula most effectively - use this as your key image to deconstruct and analyse.

Identify what equipment and materials Bill Owen uses and discuss his use of lens focal length if possible. Also make sure you identify his work process/method - are the people aware of him being there, how does he capture the images seemingly in many instances unseen or not noticed?

Don't forget you'll need to shoot film over the remaining 3 weeks using the formula Person + background + symbol + involvement = picture creating your own images using this documentary approach. Use either Ilford XP2 or Ilford Delta 400 You must buy this ASAP.

Inlcude in your work product data for the film you choose as part of your evidencing the materials you use along with details relating to the processing of the films. Remember XP2 you'll need to get processed at a lab and you'll get the prints along with the negatives. Delta 400 you'll need to process yourselves at college so make sure you allocate time to process and print. 

Link 1            Link 2          Link 3 

Deadline - Monday 4th (GPA) Tuesday 5th (GPB) make sure you have the work with you completed. 

Blended learning task No.9

Unit 3

This weeks blended learning task relates to your Unit 3 work "The Creative Process".

As a part of the 'Creative Process' you will need to research your chosen theme. It's essential that you produce the research at the start of the creative process...

You will need to very quickly establish a subject or theme for your photography. Consider the constraints you have to work with... Time/resources/costs and subject. Be realistic about what you can photograph and how much access you have to your subject.

With only a 8 weeks in which to produce the work it is important to work to a schedule, your theme must  be established and the research completed in the first two weeks.

Produce the research in the manner that you have been for your blended learning - one A3 page of associated images and the other page the written content and analysis of your research see the example here

You will need to hand in the work on Monday (GPA) or Tuesday (GPB) in Dave Thompson's first lesson. 

What I'll be expecting to see...

  • A3 display folder
  • Front page with name and course and unit name
  • Introduction to your theme and your initial ideas and plan
  • 2  A3 pages of research - one page images and the other page written analysis using one 'Key image'. 

You're advised to produce portraits for this project as this will enable you to make best use of your time in college and use the facilities such as the studio.

Blended learning task No.10


You've not had one of these for a while and this task is set for both Y01 and Y02. You have till Monday February the 19th to get it completed and because it's going to be produced in a word file, you can send it to me once it has finished.

You have been sent the updated version of the Blended Learning Research Template and you have to work with this. The file was sent by email on ********

The 2 documents once you've done your research and filled them both in  will  look like this...
The document is already populated with text, most of the text is in the form of explanations, but at the start of the document the first few prompts are examples of how you might go about responding to them.

The Task.

1. Read through the document carefully so that you understand how you need to use it. 

2. Choose one of the Artists that you have looked at already for your research and use the information you already have to produce two additional pages of research using this format. For some of you that have already made a solid start on the Unit 1 work, this will be pretty much a copy and paste exercise if you've chosen to type it up so far. Those of you that have written the work up, you'll need to type up what you've written.

3. Make sure you follow the instructions and respond to as many of the prompts as possible. Although it's not essential that you use all of them. 

4. You will need to submit 2 pages (a). The page with the images and (b). The page with the single image and the text. 

This is compulsory and I will be asking to see the work at regular points over the coming week.

Use your blended, English and maths and your PD sessions to do this work, if you're in the practical session with no practical work, you can use these sessions for this too.

Blended learning task No11

Liquid Emulsion research task

Blended learning – Liquid Emulsion – Materials, techniques and process
Dungeness - Dave Thompson

Liquid Emulsion   - Advanced technique – art – art photography – materials – techniques – process – Distinctions – varying support options – detailed planning opportunities - detailed reflective practice and analysis opportunities – experimental – deep learning – practical – analogue and digital options – mixed media opportunities and more…


Produce this work as you would for a photographer or artist. 1 x A3 page of images examples that you can find on the internet – or perhaps use your own work. Also write your initial thoughts about  the method and the impression of the images and the technique.

1 x Page with one key picture – it could be your own image accompanied with your written content and research using the prompts below…

Specific prompts____________________________________________________________________

Basic description – Cost and where to buy – H&S – Highlights of MSDS – what it can be used on – preparation of supports – strengths and weaknesses – characteristic – what themes and subjects does it suit – explain why – How to prepare and use – details of the brushes used – what is the technique similar to -

Top tips_________________________________________________________________________

Use the prompts here to generate your written content - although be selective

Use the Dave Thompson’s A3 template with the columns and prompts already formatted (Document 308) ask him to email it to you.

Reading list and links______________________________________________________________

Also check my blog –

If this has been set as your Blended learning – you have a week to complete it (26th Feb). 

Blended learning task No.12

Sinar View cameras

View Camera  

Using the information already covered in the View camera session use your notes to produce further research into view cameras.  Use the templates that have been attached in the recent email to compile your work. Work to produce 2 x A3 pages in the usual format… 1 x page with a selection of images and your initial thoughts based on what you know of view cameras, pre-conceptions and prior knowledge of the cameras (You’ve studied a number of photographers that use these cameras already, so should be able to list these photographers). Your images could include different types of view cameras and their sizes (Format), famous photographer using view cameras, examples of the effects that a view camera has on images… Tilt Shift, converging verticals, depth of field (Scheimpflug) and the film edge (Rebate) detail that is often included in the image.

The 2nd page should feature a Main image – (Camera, someone with a camera or perhaps a cut-away diagram or illustration) with as much information you can gather through your research including some details regarding the images you collect that illustrate the cameras characteristics and properties.

Use the prompts here to generate your written content when researching.

Use the Dave Thompson’s A3 template with the columns and prompts already formatted (Document 310) ask him to email it to you.

Reading list and links______________________________________________________________

Langfords Basic Photography - Michael Langford, Focal Press, 
Scheimpflug link          

How to view camera 

If this has been set as your Blended learning – you have 2 weeks to complete it.

Blended learning task No.13 - Medium Format Cameras

Medium Format

Using the information already covered in the Medium camera session use your notes to produce further research into this type of camera.  Use the templates that have been attached in the recent email to together your work (The 3 column word file). Work to produce 2 x A3 pages in the usual format… 1 x page with a selection of images and your initial thoughts based on what you know of view cameras, pre-conceptions and prior knowledge of the cameras.

Photographers that have used these cameras include Richard Avedon, David Bailey and Brian Duffy (Fashion and portraits).

The 2nd page should feature a Main image – (Camera, someone with a camera or perhaps a cut-away diagram or illustration) with as much information you can gather through your research including some details regarding the images you collect, that illustrate the cameras characteristics and properties.

Look for details of the different size formats, the type and size of film that you use, how many shots per roll.

Use the prompts here to generate your written content when researching.

Remember to use the Dave Thompson’s A3 template with the columns and prompts already formatted (Document 310) ask him to email it to you.

Reading list and links______________________________________________________________

When researching look at Ken Rockwell’s website and look for the following cameras – RB6x7, Bronica SQA, Mamiya C330 f,  Mamiya TL 645 and Rolleiflex.

If this has been set as your Blended learning – you have 2 weeks to complete it.
Use your independent sessions - for English, Blended learning and PD to generate this work. You're expected to spend a minimum of 3 hours to collate the material and write up the work. 

Blended learning task No.14 - Working with ISO

The truth about ISO is you've got to try it and experiment with it and the best way of doing this is if you have access to a darkroom and an old school film camera such as a Pentax K1000 is to shoot, process and print film... Get your hands dirty as such - feel and experience it for real. If you can do that it's simple, shoot 3 films... Ilford FP4 + which is a 125 ISO film, HP5+ which is a 400 ISO film and TMAX 3200 which is a 3200 ISO film.

Then it's simply a case of shooting similar subject matter in similar lighting and printing the neg's on 10 x 8 paper and you'll have experienced ISO through the process of shooting at a fixed ISO and you'll be able to see the impact it has on the image during the printing process and in the final images.

As a photographer back in the day when it took a great deal of time and skill to be good at photography, most people as far as I know had 3 main films that they stuck to and used for the situations that they were required to produce work in. You used these films and you got good at using them in all manner of situations. Where possible you would always try and shoot at 100 ISO in order to retain quality, if the light was poor, where possible you would either add light, move somewhere where there was more light, or do it on another day when the light was better, you avoided using a faster ISO film because you would lose quality...

"What is Base ISO?
The lowest native ISO on your camera is your “base ISO”. This is a very important setting, because it gives you the potential to produce the highest image quality, minimizing the visibility of noise as much as possible. Some older DSLRs and a number of modern cameras, such as the Fuji X-T2 have a base ISO of 200, whereas most modern digital cameras have a base ISO of 100. Optimally, you should always try to stick to the base ISO to get the highest image quality. However, it is not always possible to do so, especially when working in low-light conditions".

From -

Even now with digital I would advocate a similar approach, where possible always shoot at 100 ISO

Image result for iso settings on camera

Life Hacks - how to research for Photography projects at level 3

It's essential on Level 3 Photography courses such BTEC, UAL, AS, and A-Level to produce good quality research using a range of resources.

I would argue that you need to be very selective about what and who you look at if you're looking to attain the higher grades... Merits and Distinctions.
This guide gives you some tips about how to go about it to secure those good grades.


Best Practice

Use Photographic Journals such as...

The British Journal of Photography

Why? They're in the LRC and they are the most up to-date information on contemporary and historical photography. The magazines are written by and edited by qualified experts whose opinions, views and critiques of the photography are second to none. The articles are short, concise and to the point, ram-packed with the information you need to produce your research for your projects. 

Flicking through the pages of journals such as these has the potential to bring to your attention a multitude or different photographers and approaches to photography. Journals by far are the most effective way of accessing high quality photography.

2nd best approach

Use books


One of the most useful for discovering how the images end up being used and what materials they are printed on, how big they are and how much they sell for is to pre-fix the name of the work or Photographer with the phrase...

"Sold at auction"           This usually brings up a range of auction houses or websites where the work is sold and in the descriptions you'll find useful info about the work. The search here was...

Sold at auction The Bechers This brought up a list in Google that resulted in this page here...

Other pre-fixes that are useful are...

Interview with
Equipment used by
Camera used by
Influenced by
Another really good thing to try is, to look for interviews on Youtube, Dailymotion and Vimeo. The same with written interviews, they can be conducted by anyone, but as long as the photographer responds they usually really useful.

Bibliography - Quotes - Cross referencing 

It's important that you produce a bibliography, it doesn't have to list all of your sources, all you need to show is that you know how to do it, so in the case of the BTEC assignments a list of 4 or 5 is more than sufficient as it demonstrates this adequately. Ideally, you should use Journals and books primarily with less internet use. 

When you're using quotes make sure you (A) 'Indent' the text for the quote
(B). Use a different a different colour or shade of text and use "speech marks".
(C). Cross reference the text by indicating its source with a number that matches the same number against the bibliography entry (D).
(E). Make sure you include 4-5 entries for your bibliography - if you can, use Journals and books. See here for how you make bibliographical entries for journals and books. 

When you're producing the 1st page of the research other images that can be used are images of the photographer with their camera and images that you recognise as potentially or you know have influenced the work. 


If you do use the internet for your research be careful of the sites that you choose. Here's the start of a list of good websites that you can trust. These sites are edited, written by experts, academics, critics and people that know what they are writing about. 

If you find really long articles and you're looking for something very specific you can speed up the search by using CTRL + F. So if you're looking for info on the equipment used by the Photographer type CTRL + F and then in the search field type equipment the use the return key and it'll find any reference or use of the word in the article. - "This is modern art Matthew Collings. All worth watching and referencing.



If you have a theme or subject and you need to find a photographer that works with that theme and shoots picture on that theme, you need to use my list here...

Once on the blog use the CTRL + F and then type the theme into the field box and use the return key to search for names of photographers that work with that subject/theme.