Friday, 8 September 2017

Blended learning task No.5

Blended learning task 5 - Research for Unit 4

Remember on the image page leave a space for your initial reaction and write your initial thoughts around the use of the background and any ideas you have about the MTP's.

Ed Drew 

This  weeks photographer who you need to research into is Ed Drew. There are two key elements you need to look into and research.

(1). The Materials, techniques and processes. To get you started with this you need to watch the video here all of his MTP's are mentioned - there's a sequence in the video where the camera is identified clearly - follow that up and search for that camera on Youtube. Identify the size of the film plates that are used. Use Photographs of the equipment or screen grabs from the video.

(2) The background (Person + Background). Most of the images include an obvious symbol - The gun. Some don't. You can use both types in your analysis providing you acknowledge the difference and discuss how the gun helps the narrative. But the main point is the consistent back-ground - why has he opted for this background - how does it help with the narrative?

Also make sure you reference his own references - what inspired him - what are these modern images influenced by? Use images to show the connection/similarity.

Heres the link to the prompts  when you use them focus on the ones that drive you to write about the MTP's, background, body language and whether these images are subjective or objective?

Ed Drew working

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