The images that you're looking at this week are very current.
See the links No.1 here No.2 here

The images come from the News agency Reuters and have been shot by Yannis Behrakis, Daniel Becerril, Stefano Rellandini, Eric Gaillard and others.
These images are probably unlike the images you've been shooting in that they're presented as diptychs (Two images presented as one).
Read the articles and put together a page of the images as examples. Look into the Photographer Yannis Behrakis - what's his interest in the theme - why does he empathise with the subjects and their stories. Look too at what he says about how he's effected by what he photographs.
Choose one of the images to discuss in more depth and deconstruct. Consider how the images might be designed/posed in alternative ways to achieve the same effect. Look too at the background in the images and analyse whether these images work as stand-along images or do they only work as a collective.
How might the images be constructed and designed so that the story might be told in a more coherent manner without the use of text? Also discuss the role of the text - without the use of text is the story still clearly read and understood.
Remember to use the prompts list here to generate written content.
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