The reason for looking at the work of Francesca Woodman is that we want you to be influenced by some aspects of her work. The idea of researching other photographers is that by reading about them and looking at what they do, you'll hopefully pick up ideas and insights. One of the most important things to seek out and discover is what the work is about and or why the photographer makes the work (Pictures). You will need to read the articles.
As this is your first attempt at doing this independently, you will need to follow the instructions below. Remember what you did in your first lesson and how the prompts were used to generate your written content.
This is what you need to do.
(1). Open the links below and have a look at several of them in order to get a sense of what it is that Francesca Woodman does photographically. From these websites collect about 9 images and put them into a folder on your computer name it Francesca Woodman. (See below)...
(2). When in college next or if you have access to a printer select 4 of the images at a time from the folder and then 'Right click' and a drop-down box will appear. (See below)...

Print the images off a page at a time with 4 images. If you do this you're images will be the perfect size for use in your Display folder. If you print more than 4 images, the images will be put on the other side of the paper making them unusable.
Finally of the images you've looked at and saved and then choose one that you feel that you can write about - that looks the most interesting to you. This will be your main image and you need to print this A5 size. Again, using windows - select the image and then the print command and choose the 18x13cm (1/2 page) print option.
Cut the images up neatly and stick about 8 of the small images on one page and the bigger A5 image on the opposite page in the centre.
What the hell should I write?
On the page with the small images (See below) I would suggest that say what you think about the main image before reading about the photographer and the work. We call this your initial response to the images. When you write up your initial response, try not to describe it in terms that the everyday person would. Attempt to be more analytical about it - write about it in terms of being a photographer looking at it and making sense of it as we did in the first lesson where we examined Derek Ridgers image of Kylie Minogue. (Use the prompts).

Other searches you should try and when looking for the small images, the photographers name followed by the words camera, equipment, in the studio or on location. As these will often bring up images of the photographer using their equipment. Similarly Youtube searches or video searches in the Google search engine will sometimes come up with videos showing the photographer working and you'll be able to see the cameras being used along with the lighting.
The Prompts used for artist research and the analysis of images
Light & Mood
Format & composition
Colour or Black and white
Style and period
Equipment and techniques
Body language and facial expression
For help and explanations of the prompts click here
Here are the links for this week -
Equipment Diazotype
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