Wednesday, 18 September 2019

Y02 - Research tasks overview (Independent English)

Refer to the assignment issued the first week back.

"Historical and contemporary photography Y02" (Independent English)

The format for the work is exactly the same every 2 weeks.

This is the work that you do during your Independent English sessions.

On the days indicated above you should make a start on the work, what is important is the deadline as at each deadline you will have to upload your work to Turnitin.

Turnitin records when you;ve submitted the work and how much of the work has been plagiarised (Copied). Non-submissions and work that has been plagiarised will not be acceptable.

Each of these tasks if under-taken with commitment and the required level of enthusiasm should take around 3-4 hours. They are an essential part of your studies and must be completed. If under-taken with any real sense of purpose these tasks should enable you to generate ideas more readily and give you a good grounding in understanding photography.

New Format

This is a suggestion for an alternative way of producing your research. You may want to adopt it or try it out - it's up to you.

On the left-hand page 
Where possible include an image of the Photographer with their equipment/camera and an image that you know has influenced the work or may have influenced the work if you recognise similarities in older photography. The written section is your initial response to the work prior to studying and reading about it.

2nd page (Right) With this page select one of the images from the series you're looking at and studying and then use about 10 of the headings from the list of prompts (See side bar) and write up the facts around the image. You should use 2 - 3 quotes making sure that they are used in conjunction with speech marks, otherwise they will be picked up by Turnitin as plagiarism. Also include 4 or 5 of your research references and where possible include books or journals.

This is how you need to work with your research or if you prefer use the way you have been using in the first year. The important thing is to get it done. Use your time effectively and make sure the work is handed in on time and not plagiarised.

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